Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) produce inspiring vision and mission statements, strategic plans, academic master plans, strategic enrollment plans, campus master plans, and many others; but if these plans do not align with how resources are actually allocated, they are merely “plans on a shelf” and not the living documents that IHE’s need to satisfy regional accreditors and stakeholders.
David Mosley
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Integrated Strategic Planning and its Impact on Accreditation
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David Mosley on Jul 15, 2021 4:58:18 PM
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Topics: Accreditation, Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning, Integrated Strategic Planning
Have you ever dreamed of a solution to your Institutional Effectiveness (IE) challenges, but then realized that there are institutional barriers to your success? We have all been to conferences where we sit in the audience listening to an institution present an amazing “Best Practice” in IE, only to realize that it would never work at our institution due to organizational inertia. Organizational inertia is the tendency of an institution to continue on its current trajectory due to resource or routine rigidity.
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Topics: Accreditation, Institutional Effectiveness, Budgeting, Strategic Planning