It was more than a decade ago that the field of higher education started to focus on assessment. Educators were asking questions about what, and how much, students were learning throughout their experiences in higher education. At first, just assessing student learning and tracking the results was yeoman’s work.
Joe Bauman, M.S.
Recent Posts
Assessment and Continuous Improvement in Higher Education
Topics: Continuous Improvement, Institutional Effectiveness, Assessment
Developing or updating a strategic plan for an institution of higher education is a substantial endeavor. Engaging colleagues in committee and subcommittee meetings, discussing the future direction of the institution, and coming to a consensus on goals to guide the institution for the life of the plan: these considerations are at the heart of the collaborative process that is strategic planning in higher education.
Topics: Continuous Improvement, Institutional Effectiveness, Budgeting, Strategic Planning
Comparing Institutional Effectiveness Standards, Part II
In our last post, we talked about what the seven accreditation regions in the U.S. have in common in terms of their standards regarding institutional effectiveness. Now let’s talk about the differences in how the regions address institutional effectiveness.
Topics: Accreditation, Institutional Effectiveness, Budgeting, Assessment
Comparing Institutional Effectiveness Standards, Part I
I had the opportunity to present a webinar to the members of OCAIR (Overseas Chinese Association for Institutional Research, The topic was “Institutional Effectiveness in Higher Education: A Nationwide Perspective”. In the webinar, I compared and contrasted how institutional effectiveness is discussed in the standards and principles of the seven regional accrediting agencies in the United States.
Topics: Accreditation, Institutional Effectiveness, Budgeting, Assessment